
Why does the National War College Hate our Troops?

There is no other conclusion one can draw from a study prepared by the National War College, what this McClatchy news service report calls the Pentagon’s premier military institute. That report goes on to insist that our nation’s glorious and totally successful engagement in Iraq (Central Front In The War On Terror [TM]) is somehow “a major debacle” with the “outcome in doubt.” Somehow, the report notes the over 4,000 deaths of American (and allied foreign– but mostly American) troops, tens of thousands wounded, nearly 100,000 confirmed dead Iraqis, over $450 billion in cost to date and counting… and says...

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Curse of the Gambino

Extra kudos to Mrs. TD for that post-title, relevant to the amusing revelations that a Sox-fan construction worker buried a David Ortiz Red Sox jersey under the new Yankee Stadium (as reported by Rupert’s Post). The jersey was eventually unearthed, after not insubstantial effort. Even more amusing (aside from the back and forth with Yankees’ acting owner Hank “Hankenstein” Steinbrenner to the effect that the fellow construction workers of Gino Castignoli should kick has ass), are the revelations that Mr. Castignoli had once previously pleaded guilty to involvement in a gambling operation with ties to the Gambino crime family. Lost...

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Vox Parvi Populi

I managed to talk Daddy down from posting a picture of Bill O’Reilly (whoever that is) and calling this “Fox Parvi Populi,” taking over my rightful spot as Queen of Sunday Morning, and instead, still manage to keep this site as politically relevant as Daddy wishes it were. See above re the cast of “Cory in the House,” a true vision of what a multi-cultural White House might look like, with the only thing truly White being, well, the House. Cory features, of course, Kyle Massey as Cory, son of the chef, the Jason Dolley character “Newt” standing in for...

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The Grandest Inquisitors

And so, the question of when the paper-trail of modern American war crimes would finally go to the top has been answered: the President disclosed that he knew about– and approved– the highest-level meetings of officials in the White House itself on the subject of the specific degree and details of “enahanced interrogations” on suspects in the War on Terror(TM). Yoo You know: torture. (Jokes aside, Uber-torture-facilitator John Yoo was himself a frequent briefer of this group, which included Cheney (and Addington), Rumsfeld (and DOD general counsel Haynes), Condi, Tenet, Ashcroft, and Powell.) It was horrifying enough to find out...

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Exit strategy

I have long surmised that the President’s ‘exit strategy” for Iraq was called “January 20, 2009”. Further evidence of the correctness of my surmise comes from this WaPo piece telling us that the President “backs Petraeus and Crocker”– as if they were themselves doing anything save reciting the party line– to “suspend troop reductions”… i.e., the President will sustain the unsustainable Surge(TM) in the interest of keeping Iraq from going sufficiently to hell in a handbasket during this election year so that even our feckless media might actually report events there. As to our soldiers… well, they volunteered, didn’t they?...

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Vox parvi populi

This week’s teeny-bopper icon in “vox parvi populi” (voice of the tiny people, though Daddy says “little people”) is Miranda Cosgrove, now star of “iCarly” and previously a living demonstration of how girls are just smarter than boys in “Drake and Josh,” where two boys– even one who was supposed to be smart in school– were just no match for a girl– even several years younger. Daddy says Miranda’s character, Megan, was like a young Hillary Clinton: totally smart, totally focused, totally ruthless. (Click on Miranda for an explanation of her fashion statement.) This has been… Vox parvi populi.

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That vision thing

Jesus’ General J.C. Christian writes to the Dean at U.C. Berkeley’s Boalt Hall Law School in praise of its faculty member John Yoo, proudly espousing the vision of the America we are becoming… that shining interrogation center on a hill. (I note that Prof. Yoo himself was actually pretty courteous in declining my request for an interview with this blog, at one time; it’s mostly a free country, after all, even if he doesn’t seem to think so.) The General spots a fascinating trend between youthful cruelty to animals and adult cruelty to, well, everyone… that other servant of Jesus,...

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Political gag reflex

California Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA) (who, you’ll recall, was the one-time-car-thief-turned-car-alarm-king and financial force in the recall of Gray Davis that gave us Governor Schwarzenegger) appears to have put his foot in his mouth by calling the events of 9-11 “just a plane crash” resulting in “just another fire”. The usual suspects– numerous Republicans, “the families,” New York’s tabloids, etc.–have duly jumped on this statement. The statement was apparently intended by Issa as a justification for opposing funding of an aid-to-New-York-bill, thereby screwing various rescue workers and other New Yorkers sickened by toxins released from the 9-11 events– who were...

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Profiles in political courage

I have been quite critical of the lack of political courage shown by the Democrats since re-taking control of Congress, but this morning’s surprise announcement at a joint news conference with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and House Judiciary Committee Chairman John Conyers that articles of impeachment against the President for high crimes and misdemeanors will be presented to the House Judiciary Committee certainly puts an end to such criticism on my part. Pelosi and Conyers announced that their articles of impeachment “were much better than that lunatic Cynthia McKinney’s” and “made a whole lot more sense than that idiot Kucinich’s.”...

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