The Talking Dog "Sure, the dog can talk…but does it say anything interesting?" He ain't The Man's best friend

Profiles in courage

Frankly, there is no particular reason to talk about the issue of gun control, one way or another… let the Virginia Tech shooting sink in a bit, give it the distance of at least a few weeks. That’s not how politics works, of course. So naturally, it’s nice to see the Democrats in majority, led by Harry Reid. conceding the issue before it even starts. As always, Democrats are keen to believe Republican talking points, such as that it was the assault weapons ban back in 1994 (and that law alone) that led to the 1994 “Republican Revolution.” We won’t...

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The Horror

Words fail me in talking about the worst-ever-gun-rampage-in-American-history that left 32 people dead after a shooting spree at Virginia Tech University in Blacksburg, VA yesterday. Perhaps there is something frightening about April in this country… (T.S. Eliot’s The Waste Land called April the cruelest month)… we had the Oklahoma City bombing 12 years ago this week, the Columbine shootings 8 years ago this week… and now this. I don’t know. What events like this show is that neither I, nor anyone else I know, seem to know anything about what makes the universe– or especially the human soul– tick. An...

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TD Blog Interview with Knut Royce

Knut Royce is a journalist who was a major contributor to three Pulitzer Prize winning stories for such publications as Long Island’s Newsday before joining the Center for Public Integrity as a Senior Fellow. He has won numerous journalism awards, and the Washingtonian named him one of the two best investigative print reporters in the nation’s capital. He is the co-author (with Peter Eisner) of “The Italian Letter“, the first book providing a detailed journalistic account of the background of the forged documents that linked the African nation of Niger and its yellowcake uranium to Iraq (care of the Italian...

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Surge Depressor

Another day, another set of bloody bomb attacks in Baghdad. No surprise there, sadly. But this day, a suicide bomber made it well inside the Green Zone to blow up inside of the Iraqi parliament building, kiiling two Sunni members of parliament, wounding others and killing at least six more. Also in Baghdad, another bomber managed to blow up the Tigris River crossing known as the Sarafiya Bridge, killing at least six more. It’s really hard to know what exactly is happening over there; River hasn’t posted in nearly two months. Senator McCain and Congressman Dunce Pence tell us things...

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God bless you, Mr. Vonnegut

Author Kurt Vonnegut passed away at age 84. Either you are already familiar with such works as Slaughterhouse Five, the Sirens of Titan and God Bless you, Mr. Rosewater, and Vonnegut’s 14 novels, and his alternative universe style of humoristic, science-fictionistic… reality, asking the great questions in the tradition of the all time greats like Chekhov and Shakespeare and Voltaire, et al., i.e. “what does it mean to be human in a mostly inhuman world?”… or you’re not. I met Vonnegut [yes, it’s always about me on this blog] in 1983, around the hey-day of anti-nuclear activity, at an anti-nuclear...

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The same day that Democratic hawk Senator Joe “Imus Regular” Biden announced his view that the Iraq war cannot be won under Bush’s policies (including The SurgeTM), and that General Petraeus is misleading us with his optimism… the new Defense Secretary, Robert Gates, announced that the active duty military would see their tours of duty in Iraq extended from 12 to 15 months, making them the longest tours since the Second World War, and extending the ongoing tours of thousands of troops already there, and thousands more about to go, often for the second or third time. [It all makes...

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Amazing grace

In a bizarre career saving move, the Rev. Al Sharpton helped manage to stave off the imminent (and well-deserved) end of the career of right-wing-radio shill Don Imus, by calling for his firing on Sharpton’s radio program, which Imus appeared on. As a result of Sharpton’s intervention, Imus was only given a two-week suspension, instead of what would have been a (more than well deserved) pink slip. You will recall that the context of this is Imus’s unprovoked remarks calling members of the national runner-up Rutgers’ women basketball team “Nappy headed hos”. Honestly… what in God’s name brought that up?...

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A.I.: Gitmo Leaner, Meaner

Amnesty International has issued a new report stating that conditions for detainees at Guantanamo are… wait for it… deteriorating. As around just under half of the “Worst terrorists in the history of the world(TM)” have been released without so much as being charged let alone tried, the remaining uncharged, untried detainees find themselves more and more likely to be in super-max conditions, isolated from other human beings almost all the time, rarely seeing sunlight, subject to harsh interrogations… even after years of already being questioned and it being well-established they know nothing… already on top of five years of chargeless,...

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Goodling Riddance

I said most of what I wanted to say about our Miss Goodling in this post; nonetheless, it is gratifying to see that she will no longer collect a government salary, effective immediately, insofar as she has resigned the high level Justice Department post she should never have had in the first place (her presence, along with her boss Abu Gonzales, further besmirching the once proud department where I happened to have begun my own career.) There is no room in my heart for vicious and incompetent Macchiavellians who devote their lives to saying Jesus’s name a lot while living...

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Majoring in Recess

Recess appointments continue to be the President’s favored way of “getting his team” on board (when other shady evasions of Senate confirmation aren’t made available by sneaking them into the USA PATRIOT Act, such as with the recent U.S. Attorney scandal); in this case, the President makes three more recess appointments, led by Swiftboat Veterans for Truth contributor Sam Fox being appointed envoy to Belgium. We shouldn’t be all that appalled: sometimes, the Senate may miss out on the opportunity for great public servants, such as our recently “recess appointed” United Nations Ambassador John Bolton. Snarkiness aside, it reflects a...

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