The Talking Dog "Sure, the dog can talk…but does it say anything interesting?" He ain't The Man's best friend

Pulling teeth

In the “if we remain a free and open society, the terrorists will have won” department, we give you… Item the first: the release by the Pentagon after 4 1/2 years of surveillance tapes supposedly showing American Airlnes Flight 77 crashing into the Pentagon on September 11th (which, while nominally in response to Judicial Watch’s Freedom of Information Act request, is actually a response to this cult classic Loose Change and other 9-11 conspiracy theories now making their way round the internets.) Amazingly (o.k., not so amazingly… it’s called “high gas prices, Katrina and a 29% approval rating”) we seem...

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Bienvenidos, amigos

The President made a relatively rare prime-time speech and told us all about his plans to deploy 6,000 National Guard troops for border patrol duties, along with some other policy proposals associated with immigration, including the vaunted “path to citizenship” (a/k/a amnesty for illegal line jumpers), and a guest worker program. Given the perverse way American electoral politics works, the man with the approval rating at 29% and dropping having selected an issue where his own position (“cheap, easily exploitable labor”) may be at odds with his eponymous “base” (a/k/a “its bash Mexicans season”) may actually help a few of...

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Saturday Talking Dog Blogging (XI)

And so this week’s segment marks a return to Saturday talking dog blogging. We bring you a sort of cyborg talking dog monster, Dynomutt, who, in honor of Air Force General Michael Hayden, serves his master Blue Falcon (a/k/a millionaire Radley Crowne), pictured with Dynomutt above. You see how it all comes together for us– the military of the militaristic rich “serving us”. But Dynomutt is less of a true talking dog in the guise of, say, Mr. Peabody or Underdog (i.e. freaks of nautre). Dynomutt is more of a technological creation out of control “supposedly for our benefit“… and...

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The hits just keep coming

The Bush Administration has been riding such a wave of good will as of late, that you have to ask yourself, what great stuff can it do next? That, of course, would be today’s revelation that, under the lead of, inter alia, Director of Central Intelligence designee General Michael Hayden, the National Security Agency obtained millions upon millions of telephone records from American citizens. For his part, the President testily told the press corps (without stopping to take questions) that “this is just Al Qaeda… we’re just investigating Al Qaeda…” Because, as we know, a group believed to consist of...

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Isn’t that (Relationship) Special

One might be inclined to read something into the unusually strong statements by Great Britain’s Attorney General calling for the (apparently immediate) closure of the American extra-legal extra-constitutional gulag detention center at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. Lord Goldsmith observed that Guantanamo had become a universal symbol of injustice– a stark living source of cognitive dissonance from the usual American image as a beacon of freedom. For his part, George Bush’s Pet Poodle U.K. Prime Minister Tony Blair usually notes that it might be “premature” to release “dangerous people” from Gitmo… Lord Goldsmith’s statements were noteworthy for evading that usual weasel qualification....

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Charlie Brown, Lucy, Football

I’ve been somewhat remiss in not earlier mentioning the latest Bush Administration demonstration of why it feels that, seeing as its actions are unchecked by either Congress, the courts, or the voters, it can do what it wants… especially for the purpose of playing games with live cases in those occasional instances where the courts might just do something adverse to it, usually on the eve of some important court date. The latest fiasco, of course, involves a group of five ethnic Uighurs (Chinese Moslems from far west Xinxiang province, or Sinkiang back when I learned geography) who were, almost...

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The 12th hour protests of the 20th hijacker

Less than a week after being sentenced to life imprisonment at the most unpleasant federal super-max in Florence, Colorado, convicted 9-11 plotter Zacarias Moussaoui filed a surprise motion seeking to vacate his guilty plea. The Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure Rule 11 would not permit a withdrawal of a guilty plea after sentencing, and Judge Leonie Brinkema immediately so held. Doubtless, Moussaoui will appeal to a most unsympathetic 4th Circuit Court of Appeals in Richmond. Moussaoui now says “I was lying” when he previously swore out a lengthy affidavit as to his involvement in the 9-11 plot as part of...

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NAFTA lafta

There is a reason the Onion (America’s finest news source) has migrated to our sidebar: stories like this one, about Mexicans fleeing the United States to return to Mexico so they can obtain good American jobs there.

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Members of no organized political party: Democrats

We’ll compare and contrast op-eds this morning (and then tell you why both are right for the wrong reasons!) The first is by TNR‘s Jonathan Chait in the Los Angeles Times, concerning why Democrats are… misguided… to try to oust Senator Joe “Joementum” Lieberman. The second is by the Daily Kos‘s blogging sensation Markos Moulitsas writing in the Washington Post concerning why Hillary Clinton can’t win. Chait’s basic premise and Moulitsas’ (btw, it appears that letting Kos have an op-ed may be the beginnings of “pay-back” for the Ben Domenech fiasco… just sayin’…) are more or less opposite sides of...

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The Nine Lives of the 20th Hijacker (Continued)

A federal jury in Alexandria, Virginia declined to accede to the bloodlust of our Imperious Leader and refused to impose a death sentence on convicted 9-11 plotter Zaccarias Moussaoui. As a result of this legally correct verdict, following a government prosecution rife with misconduct and a virtually impossible burden given FBI agent testimony that no matter what Moussaoui said, Bureau chieftains could not be convinced of the merits of a 9-11 plot, Moussaoui will be automatically sentenced to life in prison. And there we have it. Frankly, I have no brief for Mr. Moussaoui who has, I believe sincerely, told...

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