Our comrades from Beijing’s People’s Daily give us this account of the “Millenium Assessment” report from the UN contending that around 60% of the world’s eco-system is in grave danger of permanent degradation as a result of human activity; China evidently pledges to build a more sustainable society. On cue, Chinese President Hu Jin-tao, on the occasion of the equivalent of Chinese Arbor Day, told the Chinese people that it was their duty to live in harmony with nature as he participated in a tree planting in Beijing. I have heard it suggested that it is most unlikely there would...
Continue reading...The Talking Dog "Sure, the dog can talk…but does it say anything interesting?" He ain't The Man's best friend
Pope John Paul II Passes
His Holiness the Pope John Paul II has passed away at 84. I’m sure many more eloquent than I will comment appropriately. Let’s just say that John Paul II, longest serving pope of the 20th century and third longest of all time, was a towering figure, a man whose moral and rhetorical stature was just about as large as the post he held.
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Naturally, the best take I have read on the Michael Jackson Judicial Jamboree comes to us via our comrades at Pravda, specifically this comment by Steve Darnell. The gist of the story amounts to “A Tale of Two Jacksons”– noting the (interesting?) involvement of the Rev. Jesse Jackson (“the evangelical corporate ambulance chaser”) as Michael Jackson’s daily spiritual advisor during his trials and tribulations… well, one trial actually, that for his latest round of accused child molestation. (Darnell believes Jesse Jackson is as disgusted as everyone else at Michael’s behavior, but while always willing to see red on matters of...
Continue reading...It’s Official: Ignorance is Strength
After having successfully evaded his own responsibilities associated with the failure of intelligence vis a vis Iraq and its non-possession of weapons of mass-destruction (for which the President was rewarded with reelection, Incompetetentalleezza Rice was elevated to the post of Secretary of State, her deputy Stephen “Yellowcakes” Hadley elevated to National Security Advisor, former CIA Director George “Slamdunk” Tenet was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom and Deputy Secretary of State Paul Wolfowitz was universally praised and now made head of the World Bank), the President continued to heap lavish praise on the commission he anointed to make findings as...
Continue reading...Zimbabwe Elections Free and Fair
With the opposition safely in the lead in early polls in Zimbabwe’s parliamentary elections, a team of international observers led by former Secretary of State James Baker and Congresswoman Katherine Harris (R-FL) have declared Zimbabwe’s elections to be “above-baord, free and fair”. Indeed, both Baker and Harris commented on the lack of allegations that voers of color were being denied access to the polls. President Mugabe dismissed allegations that exit polls showing a strong win by the opposition party or allegations that the voting process was not transparent are of any merit, noting that he considered whatever happens “a mandate...
Continue reading...Ex-Exterminator Espouses “Culture of Life”
Following the high-profile death of Theresa Schiavo, House Majority Leader Tom DeLay announced that, after unusually cordial discussions with House Minority Leader Nancy Schiavo, Senate Majority Leader Frist and Minority Leader Reid, a broad consensus had finally been reached on a variety of issues resulting from the high-profile (and unsuccessful) efforts to intervene in the legal case which, having determined that Ms. Schiavo’s own intention was to have all medical treatment including having a feeding tube withdrawn, resulted in her death yesterday morning. DeLay said that the “culture of life” had to mean a general respect for life. Specifically, DeLay...
Continue reading...Grand Old Party Poopers
The tag-line might relate to Congressman Jim Leach and Senator Charles Grassley, both Republicans of Iowa, who are expressing deep reservations as to the support for the President’s plans to decimate social security. This is further evidence in support of my proposition that we no longer need a Democratic Party– the Republicans are perfectly capable of assessing the political lines of no-return, and checking their own executive. God knows, the Dems can’t get it done. Which takes us back to the main topic: you know who, who as of 0930 local time on 31 March, still refuses to kick off....
Continue reading...Divine Misdirection
While the world awaits the final demise of someone involved in major courtroom battles in a hospice, we were all looking in the wrong one on the wrong West Coast: Johnnie Cochran passed away at 67 in a hospice in California, of a brain tumor. (Apropos of not much, the Unseen Editor suggests you take a brief look at the biography of another lawyer, noting the interesting and salient interest in the penultimate paragraph.) What I will say about Johnnie Cochran may be one of the best compliments I am capable of giving: Johnnie was damned good at what he...
Continue reading...Why Must Foreign Aid be so… Foreign?
Such is the implicit theme of the opinion piece from Beijing’s People’s Daily that will constitute this week’s visit to the Eastasian metropole. Of course, the specific theme is most overt Japan-bashing, particularly over Japan’s determination to phase out development aid to China by 2008. Despite being a vibrant economic powerhouse running unbelievably huge trade surpluses with this country, China is still, in many ways, a desperately poor country which appreciates the foreign largesse it receives. The implication, of course, is that foreign aid should simply be guided by a spirit of pure generosity in the first instance, because ultimately...
Continue reading...Affordable Housing. For the Living.
And so, I guess, the cheering on the Upper West Side (and presumably in its companion locales like Berkeley, San Francisco, maybe Hollywood, places like that) is beginning to simmer to a joyful roar, as the combination of heel-digging by Caveman Judge Greer (liberals should know that their darling jurist is, by predilection, what would usually be considered a religious conservative, though his pastor kind of asked him to leave his church “because it would be better that way”) yielding to the wishes of… another caveman whose new paramour and mother of his two children wished to have his former...
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