The Talking Dog "Sure, the dog can talk…but does it say anything interesting?" He ain't The Man's best friend

Feliz Cinco de Mayo

Alrightie then. First, a huge shout-out to our friend the Unseen Editor, who is under the weather. We know what that’s like. As the Presidential election campaign season gets going (the “outcome” is irrelevant; Big Finance has bought and paid for both major party candidates; new Libertarian nominee Gary Johnson isn’t going to be elected, nor is anyone who will not keep the wars going and the financial criminals un-indicted), one supposes things might turn on “the economy.” And so, we’ll turn to this supposedly “wonky” (but actually incoherent) piece by Ezra Klein on unemployment, which can’t seem to explain...

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Happy Easter

It’s a nice day; let the President play golf, says I (after we lay out our preconditions to talks with Iran presumably to assure that there won’t be any.) Sadly, long-time CBS news staple Mike Wallace passed way, though at 93, he certainly had a nice run. Of course, given the reports of the potential for the spent-fuel rods at Fukushima , Japan to discharge perhaps 85 times the radiation released from Chernobyl, and likely take out much of Earth’s life… he may be among the luckier ones. Also, the fact that their home might soon be uninhabitable should give...

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April First Greetings

Obviously, since this is my April 1st edition, everything I write here is some kind of April Fool’s joke. That’s how it’s been pretty much through the run of this blog. But I’m not going to go give you, say, a blockbuster April Fool’s Day interview, like I have in the past with, say, Rumsfeld, Cheney or Palin. Just, you know… interviewed out. So this year… I’m going to “keep it real,” and just give you April Fool’s Day… straight up. So, for example, the [hilarious!] idea that it would be House Republicans trying to curb the terms of the...

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Expressway to perdition

Just as the Constitution-shredding NDAA, rushed through Congress and signed just hours before midnight on New Year’s Eve formally codified the de jure dismemberment of the Bill of Rights (essentially using unilaterally declared “military emergency” as a justification to kill or en-dungeon anyone, anywhere at the President’s sole whim), we now get an executive order (the “National Defense Resources Preparedness Executive Order”) that, in any circumstance in the mere “interest of national defense” authorizes the President to enslave anyone and commandeer all property, including food and water. I’m more sanguine about all of this than others because, well, I’ve been...

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Don’t mess with the Man

Happy St. Patrick’s Day. Alrightie then. Those who don matador outfits and take out red capes to go bull-fighting against sacred bovines would do well to recognize the risky nature of the business. When doing so under the seemingly protective cloak of “big media” legitimacy, sacred-cow-fighters must realize the possibility that Money will fight back– and let’s face it: Money fights dirty. Remember that Money liked George W. Bush, a lot. Bush repaid them with tax cuts, 99% of which pretty much went to the 1%, the deficit went to the moon, and the rest takes us to where we...

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Beware the ides of March

Here’s the thing: I’m having a hard time determining which is the parody— this, a resignation statement from a former senior manager for an economy-destroying empire… or this, a resignation statement from a former senior manager for an economy-destroying empire. Honestly– honor and integrity from someone who spent twelve years at Goldman Sachs? Please, Greg. At least Lord Vader presents the genuine possibility of burnout… that sentiment, at least, has a shred of credibility to it.

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All politix is local

Oh, let’s all hail Rick (the P is silent) Santorum for his primary wins in Alabama and Mississippi, proving I suppose, that really hateful and reactionary rhetoric sincerely expressed is still appreciated in some circles of hell parts of the US of A. Hateful and reactionary policy, however, whether directed at reporters or whistle-blowers of any kind, or of course, the usual suspects (those poor bastards at GTMO) … well, those ill-feelings are wonderfully bi-partisan. I realize I’m a broken record. No one is listening– or wants to. The country’s attentions will now turn to “March Madness,” as even what...

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“Trust us”

Haven’t had too much chance to blog… but how ’bout that Eric Holder and the new “Liquidate enemies of the state? Trust us.” Honestly– it’s the logical next step after being able to throw anyone we want into a dungeon without any semblance of legal or constitutional rights (and btw, this is “citizens or anyone else”)… why NOT target assassinations? Greenwald rightly decries Democrats for their ominous partisan silence on this– even as Republicans have the intellectual honesty to laud Obama for embracing policies they like. Yes… that’s where we are. Another third world dictatorship, only with better drones (and...

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Time marches on

And so we come to a once-quadrennial event, February 29th. I spent the early part of it convalescing in a big city emergency room, following up on an ailment that has plagued me much of this month; to my immense relief (and that of TD-Mom, who stayed with me, Mrs. TD and the Pup, and the rest of TD Famiglia… and hopefully, but not necessarily, TD World), I’m told that things are improving, and neither a multi-day hospital stay (as happened a fortnight or so ago) nor surgery is required. At least for now. And so, as I approach my...

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Good times

Thousands braved the Russian winter to protest the inevitable election of Vladimir Putin back to the presidency of Russia in Moscow, forming a near human chain along that city’s Garden Ring road. Where was the pepper spray, the sonic weaponry or the tear gas and flash grenades? It’s about confidence, in some sense… the Russian people are confident that their government won’t open fire on them, and Mr. Putin is reasonably confident, he’ll win his election even without [the inevitable] fraud. In the US of A, by contrast, the status quo senses its grip beginning to slip, and hence, it...

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