Another class act…

That would actually be referring to my own college class, Columbia’s (thankfully) final all-male class, C’83, which I share with, inter alia, Democratic Presidential nominee, Sen. Barack Obama, Libertarian Vice-Presidential nominee Wayne Allyn Root, not-a-federal-judge Miguel Estrada, and now… Washington Post Executive Editor Marcus Brauchli. Brauchli was just named to that position after recently serving in a similar capacity with The Wall Street Journal, and he will assume his duties in September.
I, of course, will continue to provide you with my observations of the universe from my perch here somewhere inside Stately Dog Manor, in absolute obscurity and relative anonymity, totally untainted by any schadenfreude at all. Really, I’m just delighted with the continued good fortune of my classmates, and, one hopes, one of them might just recognize the extraordinary talent of one of their old friends from the alma mater… [I’m not picky… Ambassador to the Bahamas, Undersecretary of Defense, Management and Budget Director, or something like that would be just fine. Just saying.]
