
A travesty of justice

The lunatic defrocked priest, Cornelius Horan, who cost sportsman of the year Vanderlay Lima the gold medal in the Olympic marathon by jumping onto the course and tackling him was given a suspended sentence by a Greek kangaroo court. Assuming that Mr. Lima was, say, a Greek athlete, I suspect a life term for attempted murder would have been handed down. I hope Mr. Lima is around in four years at Beijing. There, if the likes of Mr. Horan attempts to cross onto the course, I have little doubt that he’d be shot dead well before he disrupted the race....

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You cannot silence us!

Well… perhaps you can… Anyway, with thanks to Kathy Kinsley of On the Third Hand, we seem to be up and running again, albeit temporarily without archives. It seems that all those SOBs who spammed the older comment threads with endless ads for pornography, viagara and psychotrophic drugs finally overloaded all those gigashmites of bandwidth we thought we had… causing a database crash. Given just how close this occurred to the GOP Convention, those of you prone to conspiracy theories can jump right in! Anyway, Kathy tells me we now have anti-spam countermeasures, that should hopefully, keep us up and...

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