The Talking Dog "Sure, the dog can talk…but does it say anything interesting?" He ain't The Man's best friend

Divide and Conquer (the hearts of the rubes)

The Grey Lady gives us this further discussion and analysis of the President’s press conference, wherein the President made it very clear that “the Democrat Party” wants to cut and run from Iraq, and, let’s face it, if you vote for a Democrat in the mid-term elections, Osama bin Laden will personally follow you home and murder your children. As we come up on the fifth anniversary of September 11, 2001, look for the fever pitch of this kind of argument– which, when you look at it in the light I just presented it, is incredibily asinine. But, in substance,...

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Inevitable consequences

For those of you not familiar with it, here is a link to Sy Hersh’s latest in the New Yorker about the really, really special relationship between members of our government and members of Israel’s government that appeared to signal two things: (1) Israel was really peachy keen on having an excuse to take on Hizbollah, and the kidnapping of the two soldiers last month served its interests to do so, and (2) the United States was really peachy keen on Israel having an excuse to take on Hizbollah to show Iran all those handy dandy new bombs that could...

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TD Blog Interview with George Lakoff

George Lakoff is Professor of Linguistics at the University of California, Berkeley, a senior fellow at the progressive think-tank Rockridge Institute, and is the author of “Whose Freedom: The Battle Over America’s Most Important Idea” and a number of other books including a multitude of articles in major scholarly journals and edited volumes, as well as books such as Moral Politics: How Liberals and Conservatives Think, and Don’t Think of an Elephant: Know Your Values, Frame the Debate. Dr. Lakoff’s current work discusses the concept of “framing”, both deep frames representing an underlying value structure; for conservatives, the deep frames...

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A light in the darkness (at noon)

Barbara of Mahablog treats us to this summary of a not-yet-ready-for-prime-online story from Harper’s on the subject of the many forgotten victims of our nation’s current policy in its conduct of the so-called “war on terror”. There is much we all are familiar with from our own queries of some of the same players; there is much that is new even to me, and hence, I commend Barbara for bringing these matters to our attention. Hey everybody: ousting the party controlling Congress that enables these insanely illegal and counterproductive policies is more important than just about anything– including replacing Joe...

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Spinning out of control

While our friends at the Times are telling us about the new force in Lebanese politics and life (hint: it’s called “Hizbollah”) who has promised rebuilding aid with its bulldozers and a blank check drawn on Iran, it seems that our President was giving his own spin-account of how Israel has managed to crush… Hizbollah. I’m trying to think of who it is I’m reminded of…

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London Calling Ahead

Fellow New Yorker Julia hits it out of the park with this observation (and remembrance of things past) about the (shall we say) propitious timing of the recent announcement of the thwarting of the purported terror plot involving U.S. bound airliners from Britain. It seems that British and American officials were in a most heated debate about when and whether to “pull the trigger” and announce the interception and thwarting of the current plot. The British officials noted that many of the perpetrators weren’t ready; passports hadn’t been obtained, for example, among numerous other logistical issues. Further, the British believed...

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London Stalling

The United States Department of Homeland Security went to its vaunted (and long-awaited) “red alert” for the first time after British authorities thwarted a plot to blow up a number of U.S. bound airliners using liquid explosives, apparently intended for Heathrow based flights on American, United and Continental Airliens. The red alert applies to certain U.S. bound flights. Air traffic on both sides of the pond, especially London’s Heathrow, slowed down to permit additional security measures, including a virtual ban on all carry on items (save insulin and baby formula). American authorities seemed quite willing to jump to the conclusion...

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When they stand up, we’ll stand down… or something

The Grey Lady treats us to this discussion of increasing violence in Baghdad , where it appears that a reduction in American operations has been followed by an increase in violence. Why? Draw your own conclusions. The correlation of these events seems clear enough for American commanders to double the American presence in the capital city from around 7,000 American troops to around 14,000 for what is described as a city of 7,000,000; I should note that I had previously seen Baghdad’s population described as around 5,000,000. (That alone should tell you something– our occupation levels in Germany, for example,...

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Same Shiite Different Day

And so it continues… the insane Israeli bombardment of Lebanon continues with attacks against Christian-dominated areas north of Beirut, following over 100 Hizbollah rockets fired into Israel (killing at least 8), and for good measure, a rather large protest against Israel and the United States took place in Baghdad. I realize that not merely as an American Jew, but as an American, neither I, nor anyone, is to question the actions of Israel (or of course, the United States). But things have gone way too far now: the ordinarily savvy Israelis (say what you will, but up to now, their...

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Natural selection

The Grey Lady informs us that the voters from Kansas have thrown out the members of the State School Board who imparted “intelligent design” to the state’s science curriculum. It appears that the primary voters of Kansas (at least a majority of them) have reconsidered, and perhaps realized that condemning their public school children in this ever more competitive world to a science curriculum at odds with the best rational scientific evidence available was not, as a curriculum matter, “intelligent design”. The new board wiill be primed to reverse Kansas’s current foray into the arguably unconstitutionally theocratic. It would probably...

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