The Talking Dog "Sure, the dog can talk…but does it say anything interesting?" He ain't The Man's best friend

The State of the Union is… small-ball

The President delivered a respectfully long 50-minute or so State of the Union speech tonight. I commend the Loquacious Pup who directed me to stop listening to it so that she could better hear the Proud Family Movie. She may be but a small child… but she has her priorities in better order than I do. The parts I did listen to were… uninteresting. I noted the usual pandering to St. Laura Bush nee Welch… btw… you did all know she once killed a man, right? [standing ovation.] Anyway, I listened to the war president rattle off nonsense about a...

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Cause for Optimism All Around

In the clearest demonstration possible that they are not obstructionists, Senate Democrats, in a pathetic excuse for the first fillibuster of a Supreme Court nominee led by that pathetic excuse for a senator and presidential candidate John F. Kerry (D-Davos) failed in their efforts to prevent debate from closing by a vote of 72-25, all but assuring that Justice Sam “Rubber-Stamp-for-the-Executive” Alito can march in with the Supreme Court at tomorrow’s State of the Union. On the sunny side of the ledger, (1) John Kerry’s days as a purported national leader should wane rapidly and (2) if the Republicans complain...

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Connect the dots

Regular readers here know of my keen interest in all things Gitmo, these days. So it will come as no surprise that I find this piece in the Washington Post documenting the “mysterious” case of former Guantanamo Bay detainee and now resident of Morocco Abdallah Tabarak to be of above-average interest. It seems that after around three years at Gitmo, Tabarak was released by American authorities to Morocco in 2004. What our Government contended Mr. Tabarak did (as a basis for holding him) was that, aside from serving as one of OBL’s personal bodyguards, Mr. Tabarak helped facilitate OBL’s escape...

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Gung Hei Fat Choi

You know its not just going to be a good year… it’s… the Year of the Dog [talking or otherwise]! That means, boys and girls, that the next twelve lunar months at least will be a welcome respite from those dismal political times we’ve had, and the economic treadmill that many have been on; we’re coming off of the year of the Cock, and before that, the year of the Chimp (no wonder you know who won in 2004; it was his year!) So long dreary times… hello year of the dog! Not even the seeming inability of my favorite...

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We DID Bring American Style Governance to Iraq

Ah, those heady days I recall during my very short stay with our nation’s GAO, the non-partisan investigative arm of Congress, then standing for “General Accounting Office” (now “Government Accountability Office.”) The agency mission was, of course, to combat “waste, fraud and abuse”. The mission of the Bush Administration in general, and the former Coalition Provisional Authority operating under Viceroy L. Paul “Jerry” Bremer and a cast of people pulled from the Heritage Foundation job bulletin board in particular, seems to be to make sure that the GAO, and agencies like it, such as the Pentagon’s inspector general among others,...

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Something else we couldn’t anticipate…

WaPo reports that the White House had “eerily prescient” detailed knowledge about the likely effects of Hurricane Katrina two days before it made landfall in the New Orleans area… a rather extensive presentation, including graphic models of breached levees, arrived in the White House situation room. Of course, the President was over 1,000 miles from the White House situation room trying to avoid seeing Cindy Sheehan at his full-time hobby ranch in Crawford, Texas at the time… or he might have gotten a look at his own government’s hurricane and damage projections in time to, perhaps, have the federal government...

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More cognitive dissonance…

On this 33rd anniversary of the Supreme Court’s landmark Roe v. Wade decision, we’ll start with the President, unsurprisingly, talking up his “pro-life” street creds to an anti-abortion group rallying at the nation’s Capitol building (and rallying for the confirmation of Judge Samuel Alito to replace Sandra Day O’Connor as an associate justice on the Supreme Court.) Part of the “compassionate conservatism” message that the President campaigned on (twice) was a happy return to the days of back-alley abortions all across America, so, as a “truth in advertising” matter, it’s really hard to fault him on this one. Which, then,...

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More Scapegoats of the Empire

The military continued its perfect streak of not charging a single commissioned officer for abuse at Abu Ghraib with the conviction (for manslaughter and dereliction of duty in connection with the death of an Iraqi general from suffocation while in custody) of Chief Warrant Officer Lewis Welshofer, Jr. The incident, as you will recall, took place during the height of the Abu Ghraib abuses at some point in 2003 or 2004; the general in question, Maj. Gen. Abed Hamed Mowhoush, was wrapped in a blanket and jumped on by a number of interrogators, until he suffocated and died. Once again,...

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Bizarro News Day

We’ll start with the not-quite-dead Al Qaeda number two man Ayman Al-ZarqawiZawahiri, fresh from not getting killed in an American drone assault on a house in Pakistan that did kill 18 people including women and children… who released an audio tape of himself reciting poetry. Evidently, the tape was just an undated demo; it failed to make reference to recent A.Q. success stories, or the NFL playoffs… hence, there is no way to know when it was made, but I personally think OBL is fading physically, and can only be brought out for important situations; AAZ will likely be your...

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The Grim Freeper

Would be none other than our long-lost bogeyman, Osama Bin Laden himself, who released an audiotape aired on Al Jazeera that sounded an awful lot like it was written in anticipation of filling in blanks for the upcoming State of the Union address… indeed, it certainly looks like OBL has been reading the comments on Free Republic, Little Green Footballs, or the White House web site… I’m not going to dignify the bastard by quoting from him; I will say that he always appears at moments very convenient for the Bush Administration, last time, right before… the November 2004 election....

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