It’s finally January 20, 2009; while we’re all excited as hell to have Barack Obama, our first African American (and TD’s first college classmate) to be inaugurated as President… even more exciting is the cessation of pain… pain in the form of the Bush Administration, coming to an end in a little over three hours. Interestingly, like Darth Vader before him, it seems the President has little to offer for his minions; at least so far, those pardons for torture for such denizens as Rumsfeld, Cheney, Tenet, etc…. just ain’t coming. To quote a character from (IIRC) Unforgiven, “Day Ain’t...
Continue reading...The Talking Dog "Sure, the dog can talk…but does it say anything interesting?" He ain't The Man's best friend
Rosa sat, Martin marched, Barack ran…
Times, they are a changin’. My own feelings on this sui generis day, when on a day commemmorating the 80th birthday (plus four days or so) of the late Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., coming as it does the day before the inauguration of our first African American President, Barack Hussein Obama (and yes, he’ll be using all three names) are… sui generis. In fact, I find it hard to characterize them… I am excited, to be sure… I expressed my support for Mr. Obama on this blog fairly early on (albeit still in calendar ’08), but certainly while it...
Continue reading...The 22% Solution
It seems there is a consensus among the living: George W. Bush is the worst President in the history of polling, leaving office with a miserable 22% approval rating. His trusted sidekick, Richard Bruce Cheney, Vice President for Torture, leaves office with an even more astounding 13%. As a natural contrarian, I tend to think that most people have things wrong most of the time; indeed, ’twere it not otherwise, everyone would have invested in the right stocks, bet on the right horse, made the right career decisions, and so forth… or voted for the right candidate. As you know,...
Continue reading...Do you believe in miracles?
Faith in the miraculous (whether or not one accepts the premise of some “higher being” responsible) was rewarded today in my fair city when, just a few miles from my office (downtown, conveniently nestled between Ground Zero and the Stock Exchange) a U.S. Airways jet bound for Charlotte crash-landed in the Hudson River… and all 155 people on board survived. Obviously, the events of the last seven years (culminating in the degrading, possibly irreparably, of our economy, our military, our standing in the world, our Constitutional protections and our environment largely because the Bush Administration was reelected in 2004) were...
Continue reading...More of same
And so it continues… the heroic Lt. Col. Darrel Vandeveld of the Army Reserve [seventh GTMO prosecutor to resign!] submitted an affidavit in federal court challenging proceedings against GTMO detainee Mohammed Jawad, in which Vandeveld asserts that the evidence against GTMO kangaroo court military commission defendants is in a state of complete chaos. Videotapes of confessions are missing, written confessions for illiterate men are written in languages the men don’t speak (let alone read!), and of course, many of the statements were made under coercion, or outright torture, often at the hands of the Afghans or others who turned them...
Continue reading...Turning tides…
First, we’ll start with this news from Candace, to wit, the United States Supreme Court, just as it accepted (though ultimately denied) an original habeas corpus petition on behalf of her client Abdul al-Ghizzawi, now has ordered the government to respond to Candace’s petition for certiorari review, a petition to which Candace was kind enough to let me make some suggestions. The current petition seeks the Supreme Court’s intervention to compel the Government to turn over al-Ghizzawi’s medical records so that an independent medical evaluation may be made, a request that the Bush Administration has vehemently resisted (and the lower...
Continue reading...Mistakes, though never admitted, were made
Jacob Weisberg gives us a Slate piece that tries to ask the meta-question not so much about how catastrophic Bush’s mistakes in office were… but about how the mistakes were made. As Weisberg notes, right now, it’s virtually impossible to name so much as a single area in which Bush left things better than he found them, capped with the triple threat of disasters looming: a bogged down war in Iraq, a world-wide so-called “war on terror” that has debased our standing in the world and yet still managed not to capture one guy, and fiscal mismanagement of a scale...
Continue reading...Time warp
Regardless of what else happens anywhere else on Earth, even in the same generalized region of the Middle East (where no less a figure than the former Iraqi PM Iyad Allawi, that great savior of American military-imposed democracy as the man first installed before Nouri al-Maliki was eventually tapped, termed Bush and his policy toward Iraq complete failures)… little ever seems to change viz the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Currently, Israel has just commenced a ground offensive into Gaza, after a week of aerial bombardments. The results will inevitably be significant casualties to Hamas and to Gazan civilians, and there will almost...
Continue reading...Happy new year
I should probably just leave it at that, and say, welcome to 2009. I should probably not mention a pair of great FDL pieces (one by Jane Hamsher and one by bmaz on Empty Wheel’s line), both discussing the wonderful conundrum that Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich has placed the worthless slugs known as the Senate Democratic Caucus in, by forcing them to block Roald Burris, former comptroller and attorney general of Illinois, a universally respected 71 year old man (did I mention he’s a Black man?) from taking an office to which he was lawfully appointed because they have decided...
Continue reading...Not just another New Year’s Eve
While the main arc of civilization goes on as it has for millenia (i.e. the powerful White men may do what they like with complete impugnity, but God help anyone else if they dare engage in similar conduct… or hell, if they do anything at all), one must still look back on 2008 and acknowledge just what an amazing year it has been. Obviously, the fact is, in 220 years of our Constitutional system, no man who was (1) a graduate of Columbia College or (2) not born in the lower 48 or (3) not White had ever been elected...
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