The Talking Dog "Sure, the dog can talk…but does it say anything interesting?" He ain't The Man's best friend

Beloved alma mater

I was actually kind of proud of dear old alma mater for having more cojones than Mike Bloomberg (himself a Hopkins grad and Hahvahd MBA); the Lord Mayor decided to invoke bullsh*t “security concerns” to deny Iranian wildman president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad an opportunity to lay a wreath at Ground Zero… I mean, let’s face it… the last thing this country, or this city needs, is even the remote possibility of coming to understanding and reconciliation with people we disagree with, especially when our political overlords and the punditocracy need bogeymen. I guess we saw how well that sort of thing...

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Harumph! Harumph!

Taking time out from its busy schedule of not providing leave or relief for overtaxed troops, not cutting funding for the Iraq war, not providing health insurance for children, not addressing the sub-prime mortgage crisis, and so forth, etc., etc. the Senate took some time yesterday to address the most burning and important issue of our day: condemning Moveon.Org. The 72-25 vote meant that around half the Democrats joined in the ritual jumping-on-board-with-Bush-and-Cheney’s-talking-points. (To use “feckless” to describe these “Democratic” senators, some of whom owe their jobs to MoveOn’s help, would be a disservice to feckless people; but I digress…...

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Blog anniversary

The talking dog commenced posting exactly six years ago today, making it one of the oldest still extant blogs. Indeed, it is so old that the term “blog” was not in vogue at its commencement. Discuss.

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Let him out so he can find the real robber

The only reaction that I find even remotely appropriate to the news that O.J. Simpson has been arrested in connection with armed robberies in Las Vegas is, in internet parlance, to LMAO. Simpson, as you will recall acquitted for the murders of his ex-wife Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman, though found civilly liable for them by a different jury, is already in the news these days because of his “hypothetical” tell-all book (“If I did it” to which the Goldman family has acceded by judgment of a bankruptcy judge and to which they have called it “If I did...

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More family values from GOP Prez Hopeful…?

TTD goes Drudge now… let me repeat a rumor fed to me by a credible source that in turn relies on another credible source, which tells me that a certain GOP Presidential frontrunner not currently married to his first wife… (let’s see who that might be… oh wait… it’s any one of them except Romney!)… is cheating on his current wife with a new 32 year old girlfriend. As Drudge himself might say… developing.

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Once more… with feeling

And so we come to the 6th anniversary of 11 September 2001, now called “Patriot Day” on some calendars, a day in which every level of our government let us down, and many of us managed to save ourselves. While some whose loved ones paid the ultimate price for our government letting us down became millionaires by accepting the government’s (and airline industry’s) hush money, and went on to sing the praises of their perverse new benefactors (such as St. Rudy of Giuliani, or of course, the President), others were somewhat outspoken in their outrage… and drew the wrath of...

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Pelosi, Reid, Betray Us Petraeus

I was kind of amused to pick up a calendar in my office and see that, on successive days next week, on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, the holidays listed were [the Madison Avenue moniker for 9-11] “Patriot Day” followed by Ramadan and Rosh Hashanah… but that string of big religious holidays will be preceded by an even bigger faith-based initiative, the formal “Reading of Karl Rove’s Talking Points by General David Petraeus” on Monday. Bruce the Veep sends us this incredible polling data showing that the American people already expect Gen. Petraeus to lie, by a 53-39 margin. And yet,...

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Heeeeeere’s Osama

I’ll let Josh Marshall’s comments on the fact that Bush’s invasion to Iraq (and indeed, his whole gestalt) have pretty much given OBL a new lease on life, serve as the appropriate comment on the “new” OBL tape that has emerged, in which OBL pontificates incoherently on everything from global warming to sub-prime lending and the “low tax” structure of Islam. You’ve read before (perhaps even here) why it is most unlikely that OBL’s own group will strike us here in”Das Homeland” (as opposed to say, a copycat or knockoff AQ group)… that reason being, of course, that OBL’s principal...

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Courage under liar

The courage refers to a group of Justice Department attorneys in the Civil Division’s appellate section who have refused to abide by the government’s legally and morally indefensible positions vis a vis its litigation against Guantanamo detainees. The liar, of course, which rhymes with fire (instead we got a resignation), refers to their soon to be former boss Alberto the G., who joins John Ashcroft, John Mitchell and possibly Mitchell Palmer (we really should never forget just how horrible Woodrow Wilson and many in his Administration actually were in their day) in the first ranks of “America’s worst attorneys general...

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